Literacy Legacy Society Case For Support


1 Literacy | UNESCO UIS

2 Early Warning, Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2010.

3 Why are reading difficulties associated with mental health issues? Boyes, et. al. National Library of Medicine. 2016.

4 Give yourself the gift of a degree. Employment Policy Foundation, 2002.

5 Alliance for Excellent Education. 2013a, November. Factsheet: The impact of education on: Crime

6 State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness, Texas Education Agency, 2024.

7 Houston’s Adult Literacy Blueprint, Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation, 2021.

8 What Does Low Literacy Cost Houston? Gallup®, 2021.

9 Survey of Adult Skills First Results. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2012.

10 OECD Skills Outlook. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2013.

11 Understanding Houston. Greater Houston Community Foundation, 2020

12 Gender, education expansion and intergenerational educational mobility around the world, Nature Human Behaviour, March 2023.

13 Mother’s education and children’s outcomes: How dual-generation programs offer increased opportunities for America’s children, Foundation for Child Development, July 2014.

14 American Community Survey, 2023