Why Literacy?

Literacy is not merely a set of skills; it is a gateway to knowledge, empowerment, and personal growth and the foundation upon which all other forms of education are built. Strong literacy skills open doors to a world of opportunity, enabling individuals to pursue their dreams, achieve success, and contribute meaningfully to our communities. 

Furthermore, literacy fosters empathy and understanding. It exposes us to diverse perspectives, different cultures, and varied experiences, broadening our horizons and promoting inclusivity. Through literacy, we can connect with people from all walks of life and develop a greater appreciation for the complexities of the world we live in. 

Barbara Bush believed, "The American Dream is about equal opportunity for everyone who works hard. If we don't give everyone the ability to simply read and write, then we aren't giving everyone an equal chance to succeed." 

We firmly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to gain strong literacy skills. That is why we are deeply committed to helping to make Houston a city filled with readers and urge your continued support. 

Unfortunately, low literacy levels remain a persistent challenge in our city, which hampers economic development, contributes to social inequality, and perpetuates a cycle of poverty. These are issues that impact all of us, not just those who can’t read, write, or comprehend competently. 

Let us work collectively to ensure that everyone has the chance to develop strong literacy skills, enabling them to thrive, contribute, and make a difference in our society. 

September is National Literacy Awareness Month. We hope you will share this with those in your network to help us raise awareness during this special month.  

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our mission. 


Barbara’s Bookworms


Ways to Give: Corporate Matching Gift Programs